Hey i can do that....
Cue the music....
Well it was that sort of weekend really wasn't it folks, after getting down and then getting back up again at Hilary's "Funky 40th" on the Saturday night it was time to dust off the cobwebs and get blown away by not only the wind but some awesome swimming as well.
So as i sit here and flip a coin...............................HEADS it is....Ok time to make up some nicknames..
Cue the music....
Well it was that sort of weekend really wasn't it folks, after getting down and then getting back up again at Hilary's "Funky 40th" on the Saturday night it was time to dust off the cobwebs and get blown away by not only the wind but some awesome swimming as well.
So as i sit here and flip a coin...............................HEADS it is....Ok time to make up some nicknames..
9 Intrepid Riverton Red Fins (you will read more about this later) arrived at Newman College in Churchlands ready for our first hit out of 2011, unfortunately Shane "Funky Trunks" Wallace had stubbed his big toe whilst refereeing a jelly wrestling match the night before so was a late scratching. However as a team we decided to pull together and try our best anyway..
Hey guess what we finished FOURTH in the overall points score with 85 points !!!! Fantastic considering there were only 9 swimmers and 14 clubs participated, so lets break it down a bit more shall we??
Results can be found here -
Karen "plantar fasciitis" Anderson shrugged off the disappointment of her Harley breaking down last night and not being able to warm up this morning to crank out a fantastic 50 Free....the coach was heard to mention the word "PB", however this was met with a non-committal shrug of the shoulders by Kazza and continued to brush her hair.
Nadine "Phantom" Neethling suprised even herself when she cranked out 3.18 for her 200 Free a great swim from start to finish. Nadine also managed to AGAIN keep her goggles on in her 50 backstroke.
Emma "Do you need a root canal" Dolby really enjoyed her first "gala" with us today. Em proved to herself that she could in fact swim a 50 fly quite well. Also swum an AWESOME last leg in the women's relay which pushed the team into 3rd place !
Malira"Green Thumbs" Cocking cranked out a great 3rd leg in the relay and although was slightly disappointed with her times is now a firm believer in the old adage "More is less"
Graeme"GP" Pow swum very well and after some serious carb loading the night before this Spring Chicken tore into a hectic program with gusto.
Steve "One Lung" Wills has finally succumbed to a nasty virus that tends to hit you when you work 29 hrs a day and think that sleep is for pussies. On one leg (cramps) and one lung (virus) Steve-O still managed a VERY impressive 50 Free.
Steve "Father of the Year" Jakubans - After picking up a rather tanked teenage son from a party and looking after him as he proceeded to regurgitate all and sundry, Steve rubbed the sleep from his eyes and cranked out a great 35 for his 50 Free and a great leg in the relay too. Steve can also lay claim to our new name which has already been ratified ladies and gentleman i give you the "RIVERTON RED-FINS" Apparently Red-fins are freshwater fish so my suggestion is if you ever need some advice on fresh water fishing speak to Steve.
Mark"I am going to belt someone" Davey was a tad frustrated in the warm up as he struggled to understand how many people did not understand the sign that reads "FAST LANE". Mark was also a victim of some poor planning as he finished his "leisurely" 50 back and wandered back down to the blocks for his 100 Fly ! Mark was also the fastest man in the pool today over 50 Free with 27 secs.
Damo"Is it ok if i talk about myself in the 3rd Person"Eyre thoroughly enjoyed himself today, very happy with all 3 swims.
The other exciting news was that we had a couple of winners in the raffle today a certain Club President who snaffled a 500g box of truffles, Malira no word yet on what lovely prize she chose and ME, although not present i will allegedly receive my prize tomorrow night...either a lovely cap and water bottle (lets face it i dont really need a cap) or a half eaten box of truffles :-)
Special thanks to Jon and Simon for coming along to support us. Jon also took a team photo which is posted somewhere in this blog.
Again it was a great day and even at training everyone's energy and enthusiasm is fantastic and i am looking forward to waffling on in many more blog entries this year !
Yours in Overpriced Gatorade